Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sight unseen. It's an overworked phrase, of course. Something that real estate agents have wet dreams about. But phrases become overworked and timeworn because they contain truth. The unseen has a certain splendor in this hyper-exposed world. Beauty in sublety. Tell it to the unwashed masses with visible bra straps and tramp stamps on display, right? I know, I know- I'm old fashioned that way. But I enjoy a little mystery. I enjoy an undercurrent, hell- I even enjoy the Undertoad. So what I ask of you, dear reader, is that you endulge your imagination. In exchange, I promise to provide you with just enough information to make that dog hunt.

Truth be told, that's about all the asking I intend to do here. The world is full of askers. Everybody wants something, but asking is overrated. Telling, on the other hand, is great fun. Telling people what to do, for instance: now that can flood a girl's heart with warmth...

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